The Metropolis building in Bratislava's modern center is hard to miss, particularly due to its striking design. What qualities does it offer beyond its modern architecture

It is a timeless building that will stand out in this part of the city for a long time and won’t age. The architect ensured that there are no artifacts that might lose their appeal in ten or twenty years. We wanted to create a project with extraordinary architecture that becomes even more interesting when you look inside. We had a clear vision of the size mix of apartments, and this was our "alpha and omega," with every square meter having its purpose. 

We decided to focus on modern, high-quality technical standards for the project. Everything in the apartment can be controlled via a mobile app, including temperature settings and exterior shading, which Metropolis is the only building in the downtown to offer. Our focus is not only on comfort and technology but also on operational costs. With high energy prices today, it was crucial for us to develop a concept of luxury living for the future. 

What is most important to you when selecting suppliers?

When we launched the project, we decided to have only the best in the segment of apartments we are selling. The technologies used in the apartments are mostly from Germany or Northern Europe. We wanted to create a project we would be proud of in the future. When managing assets, the biggest challenge is to make investments that won’t require replacing things like all the plaster in a few years. When we visit the project in Bratislava in ten years, we won’t be ashamed of its condition. Our strength lies in being close to daily decisions; we focus on the final result and not on saving costs, only to regret it later. 

Apart from creating a pleasant environment, you also care about the health of the people who will live in Metropolis. How do you ensure a healthier living environment? 

We have excellent recuperation units with filters that are currently the best on the market. They capture more than ninety-four percent of impurities, dust, and pollen. People want to live healthier lives, and we want to create a project that meets their expectations and aligns with the times. 

The apartments in Metropolis also boast practicality and efficiency. What challenges did you aim to avoid in the design process?

We wanted the architect not to prioritize his style strictly and not to design the project to showcase it. We found an architect who is also a developer, understands the risks, and created the most efficient layouts in optimal dimensions that provide full living comfort. For example, we avoided rounded walls, which may look beautiful but would make the space less usable. Since no heating or cooling units are taking up space in the apartment, future owners in Metropolis can fully utilize every square meter. 



Metropolis is one of the smaller projects in Bratislava’s new modern center. Why is this an advantage? 

It might be a smaller project than its neighbors, but we believe this is the ideal size. There are two towers, each with its own reception and elevators. We wanted to create a sense of luxury, and there are parameters you must meet. The basic one is certainly the number of apartments. 

Properties in Metropolis are already for sale. Are clients buying them as investments or primarily for their own living? 

In the past two years, most properties have been purchased for personal use. These are clients who want to live in the city center and seek quality; and clients living abroad who don’t want to rent another property or stay in a hotel when they return to Bratislava for a certain period. They prefer to own a place that offers comfort and is cost-effective, so it doesn't become a burden during their absence. Alternatively, they are clients from other parts of Slovakia who are moving to be closer to their children who stayed here after their studies or those with young children who plan to rent the property first and later expect their children to use it. It makes sense because if you have a family and are successful in what you do, you want to provide the best for your children. 

What amenities and services can property owners in Metropolis expect? 

We are currently selecting tenants for the commercial spaces and offering them the opportunity to purchase space in the modern downtown area so they can own their business. We are choosing tenants who align with our project's philosophy. This includes a good pastry shop, quality Italian groceries, a hair salon, or a nail studio. There is also space for a law firm or clinics. 

When can owners start fully enjoying the Metropolis project? 

By the end of the year. We are finishing the project; it's almost completed, with only the final touches remaining. We expect the occupancy permit to be finalized in the coming months, after which we can hand over the apartments to the owners.
