The developer Mint Investments is going full throttle and promises a revolution in housing with Metropolis, which is just bursting with green energy! Working with the ambition to achieve an A0 energy class, the environmental equivalent of winning a gold medal at the Sustainability Olympics, the developer has reached out for the latest technology. At the same time, Mint Investments is paying attention to tried and tested old school designs that are so simple that even the old master builders would approve of them.

Technological innovations, fired brick and French windows

Imagine an apartment without radiators, aired through closed windows and cooled down without air conditioning, with temperature regulated in each room separately according to your liking. Today, a few types of technology can do this, and they are part of all apartments in Metropolis. Ceiling heating and cooling, air recuperation with filters capturing multiple allergens.

The apartments also feature French windows made of triple glazing and 75% recycled aluminium combined with a ventilated facade, usually used on commercial buildings. In summer they reduce overheating, in winter they cut heating costs. At the same time, they increase the acoustic barrier, boosted by smart external blinds that can be controlled remotely via a mobile app.

The interior walls are built from fired brick – a material representing quality in metropoles around the world. Fired brick not only improves the quality of living, but also reduces noise from the surroundings. Combined with perfectly soundproofed doors, they provide the desired privacy.

Urban lifestyle

Metropolis is more than just apartments; it’s an entire lifestyle. The project includes a semi-private garden inspired by the best European examples. The garden is linked to the ground floor comprising 16 commercial spaces, which, spreading across two floors, will bring the missing services to the locality, thus improving the quality of life not only for the residents of the project. Restaurant or café services will be added, but the developer would also like to see a premium clinic, studio, gourmet outlet or other basic services.

Developer with awards and vision

The Metropolis project is backed by the Mint Investments Group with more than 20 years of experience and a portfolio worth more than €1 billion. Holding a number of awards and prestigious projects, Mint Investments is a guarantee of project quality, which is reflected in the already more than 70% sale of apartments in Metropolis.

Metropolis is scheduled for completion in summer 2024.

Source: Nový Č